Converting satisfied to loyal – Spinning straw into gold.

Converting satisfied to loyal – Spinning straw into gold.

Written By Jeffrey Gitomer

KING OF SALES, The author of seventeen best-selling books including The Sales Bible, The Little Red Book of Selling, and The Little Gold Book of Yes! Attitude. His live coaching program, Sales Mastery, is available at


This is an excerpt form my book: Customer Satisfaction is Worthless, Customer Loyalty is Priceless.

Your ability to convert your satisfied customers into loyal customers is the fulcrum point of your long-term success both as a company and an employee (person).

The company wants loyal customers to ensure a solid customer base and long-term growth. The employee wants them to ensure his or her continued employment (no customers, no reason to come to work).

The conversion to loyalty begins to come about when the company and its people DECIDE to start doing it – not before. Until they decide, companies will continue to measure how satisfied the customer is. And customers will be “satisfied.”

And if you think “satisfaction” is the measurement of your success, I offer you this simple challenge. I can deliver an army of satisfied customers or an army of loyal customers to your door, which would you prefer? And how are you sure which kind you have?

Loyalty is hard to achieve and harder to measure. Getting customers converted to loyal is an action-driven process, not something that just “happens.” Someone (lots of someone’s) must MAKE it happen.

Growing Loyal Customers…

I wish there were a package of seeds you could buy and they would just grow if you planted them on the right day and watered and weeded them. Well, as farfetched as this sounds, that’s close to the formula. It’s not planting – more like nurturing. Your nurturing determines how strong they are devoted to you.

There’s no “instant” way to grow loyal customers.

There is a slow-but-sure way…

You don’t grow loyalty in a day;
You grow loyalty with the actions you take day-by-day.


Creating a Corps of Ambassadors…

Customers who act on your behalf to build your business. Customers acting like salespeople, customer service people, PR people, advertising people, stockholders, and owners of your business.

There is no “instant” way to create Ambassadors.

There is a slow-but-sure way…

You don’t earn ambassadors in a day;
You earn ambassadors with the actions you take day-by-day.


Double your business with loyal customers referring new customers…

You could double your business if you just got every one of your customers to refer ONE customer just like themselves. Imagine your phone ringing with people wanting to buy. People walking into your business wanting to buy.

There is no “instant” way to create referrals.

There is a slow-but-sure way…

You don’t earn referrals in a day;
You earn referrals with the actions you take day-by-day.


The secret for earning “loyal” customers…

HINT: It has to do with how Rome was built.

There is no “instant” way to earn loyalty.

There is a slow-but-sure way…

You don’t earn loyalty in a day;
You earn loyalty with the actions you take day-by-day.


There are thousands of ideas, methods, strategies, and answers that will help you convert your customers from “satisfied” to “loyal.”

One hitch…

You must add yourself. Ideas, methods, strategies, and answers require implementation. The only way loyalty “happens” is if YOU make it happen.

FREE GitBit… The Loyalty Building Formula. The 6.5 solution-oriented things you need to do that will get you on the path to measuring loyalty. Get yours now. Just go to click Access GitBit register and enter the word LOYAL int he search box.