You can’t get the sale ’till you ask for it.

You can’t get the sale ’till you ask for it.

Written By Jeffrey Gitomer

KING OF SALES, The author of seventeen best-selling books including The Sales Bible, The Little Red Book of Selling, and The Little Gold Book of Yes! Attitude. His live coaching program, Sales Mastery, is available at


You can’t get the sale ’till you ask for it.

Seems too simple. Just ask.

In most cases to get the sale — at some point you must ask for it. “Yes, Jeffrey,” you say, “but when do you ask? What’s the perfect time to ask?”

How do I know? No one knows that except you. I can only tell you it’s a delicate combination of the prospect’s buying signals and your gut feeling.

How and what to ask are easier to define than when. Since the “ask” is a critical part of the sale, you’d better be prepared with a number of options for the how and what part.

Important note: Here’s what never to ask. “What will it take for me to get your business?” or “What will it take to earn your business?” That’s an insult question. Great salespeople figure out what it takes, and then do it.

More important note: Many salespeople are “ask reluctant.” If this is you, just realize the worst that can happen when you ask is that the prospect says “no” — which to any good salesperson means “not yet!” Big deal.

How do you ask for the sale? Here are 7.5 ways.

1. Ask, “What’s the risk?” When you ask the prospect what risks are associated in doing business with you, real objections surface or (and here’s the best part) there are usually none that come to mind. You say, “Well, Mr. Johnson, when would you like to start not risking?” and the sale is yours.

2. Ask, “When is the next job?” If you’re making a sale where there are lots of opportunities (printer, supplies, temp help, construction, graphic design) you only need to get one job (order) to prove yourself.

3. Ask for an indirect commitment. Could you arrange your schedule to be there at delivery? How many people will need to be trained? When can we set up training? (This is the assumptive position.)

4. Ask, “What’s preventing it?” Is there anything preventing you from doing business with us? What’s in the way? What are the obstacles?

5. If there’s an obstacle or objection ask, “Is that the only reason?” “In other words, Mr. Johnson, if it wasn’t for (objection) then we could.”

6. Ask or communicate creatively — Go to the 5 & 10 store (pretty much dates me doesn’t it) and buy some plastic fence and a few plastic (rubber) people. Wire one person to the fence that most resembles (or would be non-offensive to) the prospect. Send it in a box to the prospect — and include a flyer declaring “National Get Off the Fence Week.” Tell the prospect he’s been thinking about it long enough, and what better time to get off the fence and place an order than during this special celebration week? Tell him he’ll be helping underprivileged salespeople all over the world by getting off the fence and placing an order. Create some laughter. Have some fun. Make some sales.

7. Create an offer so good that you can end by asking “fair enough?” “Mr. Johnson, I don’t know if we can help you or not, but if you bring your most important examples to lunch on Friday, if I can help you, I’ll tell you. And if I can’t help you, I’ll tell you that, too. Fair enough?” Here’s another, “Mr. Johnson, give me a trial order and let me earn your business. If it’s not everything I claim and more, you don’t have to pay for it. Fair enough?” (“Fair enough” should always be accompanied by a “can’t say no deal.”)

And when all else fails:

7.5 Ask with humor. “Mr. Johnson, I finally figured out what it will take to get your business, all you have to do is say yes!” The more adventurous salesperson will add, “When would you like to do that?”

Most important note: Ask for the sale when the mood is right. The worst possible place is in the prospect’s office. Best place is a business breakfast, lunch or dinner. Next best is your office. Next best is a trade show.

The rule of thumb is: ask early, and ask often. The best way to master the skill is — practice in front of someone who can say “yes.”

OK, that’s how and what to ask. When to ask is next week.

Free GitBit — Want a list of power questions to ask when you begin to sell? Go to — register if you’re a first time user — and enter POWER QUESTION in the GitBit box.

Jeffrey Gitomer, author of The Sales Bible, and Customer Satisfaction is Worthless, Customer Loyalty is Priceless. President of Charlotte-based Buy Gitomer, he gives seminars, runs annual sales meetings, and conducts internet training programs on selling and customer service at He can be reached at 704/333-1112 or e-mail to

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permission from Jeffrey H. Gitomer and Buy Gitomer 704/333-1112