The secrets of telling (selling) your story with impact.

The secrets of telling (selling) your story with impact.

Written By Jeffrey Gitomer

KING OF SALES, The author of seventeen best-selling books including The Sales Bible, The Little Red Book of Selling, and The Little Gold Book of Yes! Attitude. His live coaching program, Sales Mastery, is available at



The secrets of telling (selling) your story with impact.

How do you sell? No two salespeople sell the same way. In fact, two people selling the exact same product will almost never present it the same way. It not just what you say, it’s also the way you say it.

In the beginning of a sales presentation there are four elements that determine weather a sale will be made or not.

1. Rapport Putting yourself on the same side of the fence with the prospect.

2. Need Determining what the prospect deems as the factors that will influence his motivation to listen with the intent to purchase.

3. Importance The weight that a prospect assigns to a product, feature, benefit, price or time frame.

4. Confidence Your ability to gain credibility. Your ability to remove all doubt. Your ability to gain comfort that the risk of purchase will be less than the reward of ownership.

While all of the information from these elements can be acquired by asking the right power questions, the difference between good and great salespeople is the way they present (deliver) their message.

Want to put your presentation together? Here’s the glue 10.5 Success Tactics to best employ the strategic elements of how you say it…(given to you last week) and get great at presenting…

1. Get a grip. Shake hands so firmly that the other person notices. A solid handshake sets a confident aura about you from the first moment of contact.

2. Set the mood. It’s your responsibility as a great salesperson to create an atmosphere where information can flow comfortably and naturally.

3. Pace your delivery. Get a feel for time and timing. Regulate and balance your timing between the needs of the prospect and the requirements of your product or service. One of the biggest mistakes salespeople make is going too fast. Even though you’re giving your presentation for the 1,000th time, the prospect is hearing it for the first time.

4. Tag team sell. For evaluation purposes, have a coworker of boss go with you once a week, and make them listen. Create a review form and have it filled out immediately after your performance. Talk about what you could do to improve immediately after the presentation. Write down your strengths as well as your weaknesses.

5. Record your sales telephone conversations. Use them as a selfmonitor of your ability to present a clear and confident message. Play them back, if you dare. If you can’t stand your voice, change your pitch.

6. Read and record a chapter from The Sales Bible (my book) onto an audio cassette. Play it in your car. You’ll learn about sales and about how you present. Would you buy from that presenter? If not, record another one with style and emotion.

7. Video tape your opening five minutes. Use a friend or coworker as a role play prospect. Watch the video together and rate your performance. Have a sickness bag from an airlines nearby because when you see yourself, you’ll puke or deny it’s you. Repeat the process once a week for two months.

8. Be your own video critic once a week. Watch your own tape at home. Work to eliminate the two worst habits, and at the same time work to enhance your two best strengths.

9. Be prepared. Know your product cold. Rehearse your words before you present them. Get comfortable with your process and your story.

10. Be yourself. Don’t put on an act. Your personality will shine if you believe in what you are saying. Being genuine will win the confidence of the prospect (and the order).

10.5 Join toastmasters. An organization dedicated to helping others get better at presentation skills. An inexpensive and dynamic way for you to get peer evaluation once a week.

The next time someone tells you “it’s not what you say, it’s how you say it” tell him he’s half right.

FREE GitBit… Want to combine speaking with leadership? I’ll be glad to send you the 8.5 qualities of a (sales) leader. Just go to click FREE STUFF then click GitBit register and enter the secret word, “LEADER”.

Jeffrey Gitomer is the author of The Sales Bible, and Customer Satisfaction is Worthless, Customer Loyalty is Priceless. President of Charlottebased Buy Gitomer, he gives seminars, runs annual sales meetings, and conducts training programs on selling and customer service. He can be reached at 704/3331112 or email to

1999 All Rights Reserved Don’t even think about reproducing this document without written

permission from Jeffrey H. Gitomer and Buy Gitomer 704/3331112