How does my position serve the company?
How has the company grown in the past three years?
What time would I report for work?
The type of work I’ll do every day.
Do I need any special training I don’t now have?
Will I get a chance to learn new skills?
Turned Questions
What type of person are you looking for?
What are the qualities you’re looking for?
What are the specific skills you are looking for?
What type of growth potential does the individual for this job need to have?
What is your measure of success on this job?
Closing Questions
Am I the type of person you want for this job?
Am I qualified for this position?
Do you feel I meet the qualifications for this position?
This is a position I would really enjoy, would it be inconvenient if I was notified whether it’s yes or no.
If I am chosen, when would I start?
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