Do you think you can? Or do you think you can’t? Part 2

Finding the Right Salesperson

568#568Do you think you can? Or do you think you can’t? Last week (don’t you hate that if you missed last weeks column), I introduced the concept of The Little Salesman that Could. It stemmed from the combination of my birthday and the book, The Little Engine that Could. An unlikely pair I assure you. OK, OK. Just go to …


Don’t ask me ask yourself! Questioning real deep.

Finding the Right Salesperson
Don't ask me ask yourself! Questioning real deep. I get emails, faxes, and letters with questions. Salespeople needing HELP. Salespeople wanting that instant answer. Well here's my question back to you. What are the most important questions to ask YOURSELF this year? That's right -- for the REAL answers you need, don't ask me -- ask yourself. Here are 54.5 ...


How easy is it to do business with you?

Finding the Right Salesperson
How easy is it to do business with you? How many of you have ever used AOL as your Internet Service Provider? How many of you have fired them as your vendor? I ask this question of every group I'm in front of. On average, half of the people in the audience raise their hands. If the response to my ...