We are each responsible for our own success (or failure). Winning at a career in sales is no exception. To ensure a win, you must take a proactive approach. Prevention of failure is an important part of that process.
Leave a Message and I’ll be Glad to Return your Call… Not!
Press one if you’d like to leave a message. I’ll be glad to return your call as soon as I can. Right. And Santa will bring you toys if you’re a good little boy.
The Cold Call Is Fun…If You Think It Is.
Cold calling is one reason many people shy away from a career in sales. Sales professionals who make a six figure living will tell you that cold call training provided the basis for their sales success. Doubt it? Ask ’em.
Want To Close MORE Sales… Listen MORE!
How many of you ever had a course in listening skills? “How to listen” lessons were never offered as part of any formal education. It’s amazing… the skills we need the most are never taught in school.
The 30-Second Personal Commercial – How to deliver it.
Can you deliver? Last week you wrote your personal commercial. Now it’s time to deliver it.
The 30-Second Personal Commercial – How to Write It
When you go to a business meeting or are networking in general, you are on the lookout for contacts and prospects.