Jeff Chadwick is a new breed of salesman or should I say nonsalesman. For years he worked for Classic Graphics, one of Charlotte’s premier printers.
Can You Close a Sale in Five Questions?
Questions breed sales. Using questions to find facts is critical to creating an atmosphere in which a sale can be made.
Setting up the question…and lowering the boom.
Ray Leone gave a seminar in Charlotte last week. For the fortunate 100 or so in the audience, they (and I) got a masterful lesson in the science of asking questions. Leone’s insightful book, Success Secrets of the Sales Funnel, will be reviewed in the near future.
Sales Managers Success Requirements Are Tough.
Stop managing, start leading. Sales managers beware. No one wants a manager, but everyone wants a leader. If you think about it, there are great world leaders, but no great world managers.
To Sell or Not to Sell, That is the Question.
Two of the most important aspects of selling are asking questions and listening. The proper questions will make the prospect tell you everything you need to sell him or her.
The Sales Doctor Makes A House Call.
Tom Hopkins is a master sales trainer and presenter. He has delivered more than 3,200 seminars and helped more than 2 million people strive for greater success in the selling profession.
Group Sales Dramatically Different from One-on-One.
Group sales separate the men from the boys. You must be skilled at sales, more skilled at people reading, and even more skilled at group dynamics.