Ask anyone in sales if they consider themselves a professional and the response is an immediate YES. But I challenge you…if you were in court, in front of a judge, could you produce the evidence to prove you’re a professional salesperson?
Call Me in 6 Months – A Polite Way of Saying No.
Pat me on the head and tell me to go away. That’s the real meaning of call me in six months (or any nebulous “get back to me” after some period of time).
Outstanding Customer Service Is A Powerful Sales Tool.
Customer Service is the neverending pursuit of excellence to keep customers so satisfied that they tell others of the way they were treated in your place of business. Is that the way your customers feel?
The Secret of Great Customer Service…Ty Boyd.
Customer service are two of the most maligned words in our language. So often as customers we are disappointed in the service we receive (or the attitude attached to the service) that we go elsewhere. Amazing.
Bringing Dead Customers Back to Life.
You lost a customer. You’ve probably lost lots of customers. You don’t want to think about them. It’s painful. In fact, you’re reading this and have already had a few instant thoughts about this one or that one.
You’ve Been Selling Since You Were A Kid!
How many “no’s” are you willing to take before you give up the sale?
How to make 5,000 sales calls in one day!
The Carolina Business Fair is September 23rd & 24th. The Business Journal will be exhibiting; BuyGitomer will be exhibiting.