How to sell best? Ask someone who buys!

I was emailed a question from a project manager. It was about sales ethics. I usually email back a response, but I was dying to know why someone with buying responsibility was reading a column on selling skills, so I called her.


More Sales are Made with Friendship than Salesmanship.

Your mom said it best. As a child, when you were fighting or arguing with a sibling or friend, your mom would say, “Billy, you know better than that! Now you make friends with Johnny.” Your mother never told you to use the alternative of choice close or the sharp angle close on Johnny.


Out of Touch or Out of Their Minds? Maybe Both!

In a survey conducted by a BIG benefits management company (a management and human resource consulting firm), they asked 365 CEO’s and sales management executives, “What are the three key factors that separate high performing sales professionals from moderate to low performing sales professionals?”