#1190It’s a GREAT Year So Far Or Is It? How’s it going? I mean this year so far? Accomplishing what you thought you would? On the path of amazing achievement? Or are you stuck in neutral, or worse, reverse?
Don’t Just Thank, Remember the Lessons and Stories.
It’s likely you will be with family over the holidays.
A Different Kind of Thanks. Yours.
#1226A Different Kind of Thanks. Yours. As the commercialism of Thanksgiving fades into the commercialism of Christmas (or whatever one is allowed to call it these days), several thoughts have occurred to me that will impact you as a person, a salesperson, and your business.
Your name matters to your prospects. Or does it?
Here is a question I’ve received more than a hundred times in one form or another: How do I make a (better) name for myself?
What Drives You Into the Sale? And Drives You Out With the Order?
#1223What Drives You Into the Sale? And Drives You Out With the Order? Got a company mission statement? “Yes, Jeffrey. We do.” Really? Can you recite two words of it? “Uh, no.”
Thought Dedication. You Decide What to Think, and How to React.
#1222Thought Dedication. You Decide What to Think, and How to React. What is the importance of attitude?