Windshield Time. Before and After Opportunities.

Finding the Right Salesperson

#1136Windshield Time. Before and After Opportunities. All outside salespeople have “windshield time” — the time you spend behind the wheel, or in some form of transportation, going to and from appointments.


Still Making Goals and Resolutions? Why?

Finding the Right Salesperson

#1131Still Making Goals and Resolutions? Why? Holy frijoles, 2013 is almost over! How did you do? How did those resolutions and goals you made at the end of last year work out?


A Different Kind of Thanks. Yours.

Finding the Right Salesperson

#1129A Different Kind of Thanks. Yours. As the commercialism of Thanksgiving fades into the commercialism of Christmas (or whatever name you’re allowed to call it these days), several thoughts have occurred to me that will impact you as a person, you as a salesperson, and your business.