The Secret of Lousy Service and How to Fix It.

Finding the Right Salesperson

#1092The Secret of Lousy Service and How to Fix It. Last week I promised the answers to why lousy service occurs and how to fix it. If you didn’t read part one, stop now, and click here!


Salespeople Have Questions. Jeffrey Has Answers.

Finding the Right Salesperson

#1128Salespeople Have Questions. Jeffrey Has Answers. I get a ton of emails from people seeking insight or asking me to solve their sales dilemmas. Here are a few that may relate to your job, your life, and (most important) your sales thought process right now.


What Are You Thinking? Here Are a Few of my Thoughts!

Finding the Right Salesperson

#1127 What Are You Thinking? Here Are a Few of my Thoughts! The minute I get a thought, I capture it. For the past year or so, I’ve been texting myself through voice dictation. It works. It’s the same way I am writing this column. Voice to text. It works.


To Bid or Not to Bid? That is the Question.

“They get bids for everything and always take the lowest bid.”“They send out an RFP and I can never speak to the decision maker.”“We’re becoming a commodity. All they do is take the lowest bid.”“It’s the government. They have to take the lowest bid.”


Why Did You Lose the Sale? Really?

Finding the Right Salesperson

#1125Why Did You Lose the Sale? Really? 74% of salespeople complain about losing a sale because their price was too high. And 74% of them are wrong.


Salespeople Have Questions. Jeffrey Has Answers.

Finding the Right Salesperson

#1124Salespeople Have Questions. Jeffrey Has Answers. I get a ton of emails from people seeking insight or asking me to solve their sales dilemmas. Here are a few that may relate to your job, your life, and (most important) your sales thought process right now.