The idea for this article came from my friend, and future great seminar leader, Theo Androus.
What Does Follow up Have to do with a Bag of Potato Chips?
Hot prospect. You just made a good phone contact or had a brief meeting, and the prospect is interested in becoming a customer. It’s time for your first follow-up. What do you do? Well, you probably send a package with so much information inside it turns the US postal service from the brink of bankruptcy into a profit making …
The Annual Sales Meeting…Big Success or Wasted Opportunity?
Get all the salespeople and some top brass together. Play some golf and plan for next year. Sounds pretty simple. So simple that more than 75% of the annual meetings that take place, are total wastes of money and effort. Why? Four words: poor planning, insufficient budget.
29.5 Biggest Mistakes Salespeople Make (and How to Cure Them) – Part 1
Not making enough sales? Want to know why? Easy, you’re making mistakes, big mistakes. The problem is that salespeople and entrepreneurs don’t want to know (much less admit) what they are. Here’s the list with a few caveats…