#1089Are You Passive, Aggressive, or Assertive? Only One Way Wins. The answer is “assertive.” It’s the best strategy for engaging, establishing control, proving value, creating a buying atmosphere, and forging a relationship.
What Makes Referrals Happen? Your Actions, NOT Your Ask!
#1075What Makes Referrals Happen? Your Actions, NOT Your Ask! I’m angry about the (mis)information offered by “experts” about referrals.
Using Instagram is Not an Option; It’s an Opportunity!
#1114Using Instagram is Not an Option; It’s an Opportunity! QUESTION: Why did Facebook pay one billion dollars for Instagram? ANSWER: So that instead of worrying about how many people joined Instagram (and abandoned Facebook), they could brag about it.
Getting Ready to Think! Are You Ready? What Are You Thinking?
#1060Getting Ready to Think! Are You Ready? What Are You Thinking? I’ll be spending the month of August in Paris with my family. I can’t describe how wonderful it will be. My goal is to finish a book, take in the culture, enjoy my family, and THINK.
Think the “Write” Way. Do the “Write” Thing. And All Will Be Well.
#1061Think the “Write” Way. Do the “Write” Thing. And All Will Be Well. RELAX!
The POWER of Sales Success. It’s All Within You!
#1111The POWER of Sales Success. It’s All Within You! Last week I talked about the power of sales success and gave you the first ten personal powers you need to possess in order to have all of the sales success you desire. As a professional salesperson, you want more selling power and this two-part article reveals the sources.
Help! My Main Contact Left and I’m Panicked!
#1109Help! My Main Contact Left and I’m Panicked! Dear Jeffrey, I sell copiers in NYC, and this year I finished as the number one rep in the nation. I truly believe that would not have been possible had it not been for your Little Red Book of Selling. I do have a question and would greatly appreciate your advice. Recently …