#1104Twitter Thoughts and Twitter Thinking. Tweet and Re-Tweet. Most people reading this have never tweeted. (You included?) On the off chance that you have tweeted, my guess is you have less than 5,000 Twitter followers — maybe less than 500.
When You Walk in Empty Headed, You Walk Out Empty Handed.
#1102When You Walk in Empty Headed, You Walk Out Empty Handed. How much of your presentation is “standard”?
Are You an Order Taker or a Salesperson?
Are You an Order Taker or a Salesperson?By Noah Rickun There’s an argument going on and it’s time for me to weigh in. For years I’ve heard managers complain that their salespeople are “lazy order takers.” I’ve witnessed teammates jab at one another by delivering the lowest of all low-blow insults, “You’re nothing but an order taker.”
Global Sales Needs Are Also Local Sales Needs.
#1064Global Sales Needs Are Also Local Sales Needs. I traveled to Warsaw, Poland recently to deliver two public seminars. After a couple Skype interviews, I discovered that although the United States and Poland are five thousand miles and many, many cultures apart, our sales needs are the same.
People Don’t Know What They Have. It’s Better Than Money.
#1011People Don’t Know What They Have. It’s Better Than Money. I’m sure you’ve heard the expression, “Count your blessings.” I wonder how you interpret that. I wonder how you count them. I wonder how you take advantage of them. My biggest wonder is how grateful are you for your blessings.
Presentation Skills: Understanding the Three Knows of Presenting to Any Audience
Presentation Skills: Understanding the Three Knows of Presenting to Any Audience By: Mike Hourigan One of the most common fears people have is public speaking. And without having the proper tools to present their ideas, they should be. Sooner or later, you will be called on to make a presentation to an audience. As someone who has attended presentation skills …
Salespeople Have Questions, Jeffrey Has Answers.
#1099Salespeople Have Questions, Jeffrey Has Answers. I get a ton of emails from people seeking insight or asking me to solve their sales dilemmas. Here are a few that may relate to your job, your life, and (most important) your sales thought process right now.