#1027Predictions and Challenges For a Great 2013 PLEASE NOTE: These are not economic predictions. They are based on my personal observation and first-hand knowledge of sales forces across the United States – their present situation, and their future hope based on market conditions and readiness.
Replacing the Cold Call with: ANYTHING!
#1049Replacing the Cold Call with: ANYTHING! I am sick of the argument that cold calling still has a valuable place in selling. Someone PLEASE show me the value.Let’s look at the stats
What’s the Reason Beyond BLAME? Maybe it’s YOU!
#1046What’s the Reason Beyond BLAME? Maybe it’s YOU! I overheard sales dialog on the airplane this morning. “He (the customer) has never responded to one of my emails, and never calls me back. The ONLY time he calls me is when he needs something.” Then back to devouring this week’s edition of US Weekly magazine.
Are You the Dominant Brand, or is Your Brand Bland?
#1071Are You the Dominant Brand, or is Your Brand Bland? What’s the difference between you and all of your competition?
Decisions, Decisions – How Good at Them Are You?
#1072Decisions, Decisions — How Good at Them Are You? Decisions — either by you, your coworker, your boss, your family members, or your customer — drive your success, your lifestyle, and your attitude.
What is the most Misused Word in the World of Sales?
#1076What is the Most Misused Word in the World of Sales? The most misused word in sales will surprise you. It’s “value.”
Fifty Shades of Sales. Putting Emotion First and Price Second
#1080Fifty Shades of Sales. Putting Emotion First and Price Second. It seems society is loosening up. The Internet, music, movies, book titles, TV, and texting have created an “openness revolution” not matched since the ’60s.