The Good Times. The Bad Times. The Changin’ Times.

Finding the Right Salesperson

#1063 The Good Times. The Bad Times. The Changin’ Times. It’s no surprise the late Steve Jobs’ favorite music was written and performed by Bob Dylan and The Beatles. I just finished his biography and it was as compelling a book as Atlas Shrugged.


Are You Burned Out or Just Hating It?

Finding the Right Salesperson

#1062Are You Burned Out or Just Hating It? I just read an article about someone’s totally bogus opinion of “job burnout.” It made me realize some people actually are (or think they are) “burned out.”


What Keeps Me Up At Night? None of Your Business!

Finding the Right Salesperson

#1053 What Keeps Me Up At Night? None of Your Business! Salespeople (not you, of course) are known for asking poor questions — questions that are not only embarrassing, questions that are also rude. And I would be remiss if I didn’t add: questions that make them appear desperate and pressing for a sale.


The Secret of Getting All the Referrals You Could Ever Hope For

Finding the Right Salesperson

#1012The Secret of Getting All the Referrals You Could Ever Hope For Everyone in management will tell every salesperson to “ask for referrals” or “don’t forget to ask for referrals” or “as soon as you make the sale, ask for a referral.”


Salespeople Have Questions, Jeffrey Has Answers.

Finding the Right Salesperson

#1051Salespeople Have Questions, Jeffrey Has Answers. I get a ton of emails from people seeking insight or asking me to solve sales dilemmas. Here are a few that may relate to your job, your life and, most important, your sales thought process right now: