Flying from Point A to Point BS on Any Airline

Finding the Right Salesperson

#1034Flying from Point A to Point BS on Any Airline NOTE WELL: I am grateful to all airlines and the services they offer me. This column is not written in anger, nor is there any malice intended. It’s just a factual observation from a very frequent customer. And a hope they can do the obvious.


Goals Revisited. Met and Unmet. Why You Don’t. And What To Do!

Finding the Right Salesperson

#1033Goals Revisited. Met and Unmet. Why You Don’t. And What To Do! I am sick of goals and goal experts. You know, the people that spam you around the first of the year proclaiming they are the ones who can “help you” get to the next level. They have the magic “goal achievement formula.”


7.5 Things to Think About At the New Year

Finding the Right Salesperson

#10297.5 Things to Think About At the New Year 1. Why are people sending me emails with “the most sincere wishes… from the bottom of our hearts…” and then asking me to buy their crap IN THE SAME EMAIL? Couldn’t they send me sincere wishes in one email, and buy my crap requests in the other? When I get these …