Are You the Ace of Hearts, or the Two of Clubs? What do your emails look like?Just like everyone else’s?How is that helping you “differentiate” yourself?How is that helping you make a sale?
Want to have a great reputation? Earn it!
#1020Want to have a great reputation? Earn it! Your reputation precedes you.Your reputation creates or destroys sales.What’s yours?
I want to call you. All your customers want to call you.
Zazzle vs. Wacky Buttons, OR, how you prepare for, inform, and get ready to receive business from your online customers will determine the fate of your order.
An Apple A Day Has Passed Away. But He Left A Basket Full Of Legacy.
#1019An Apple A Day Has Passed Away. But He Left A Basket Full Of Legacy. I never met him, but I knew him.I never talked to him, but he spoke to me often.I never saw him present live, but my vision of him is burned into my brain. Steve Jobs has left the earth, but his legacy and remains are ...
What is networking really? And are you doing enough of it?
#1018What is networking really? And are you doing enough of it? Here’s a question I often get: Where should I network to get the most leads?
Is it Q-4 or 4-Q? You decide!
#967Is it Q-4 or 4-Q? You decide! I am getting all sorts of SOS calls and emails asking advice for what to do in Q-4. My answer is simple -- the same thing you should have been doing in Q-1, Q-2, and Q-3. Calendar years are broken into three-month quarters predominantly for the pleasure of people who run companies. It ...
How is your ability to make the sale?
#1015How is your ability to make the sale? “Jeffrey, what’s the BEST way to make a sale?”