#1016Creating A Solid Mastermind Group The idea of a mastermind group was put forth and expounded upon by Napoleon Hill in his two classic books, Think and Grow Rich, written in 1937, and How to Sell Your Way Through Life, written in 1938.
How I Spent My Summer Vacation
#1014How I Spent My Summer Vacation I have fond memories of writing paragraphs during the first week of early grade school about how I spent my summer vacation. You do too.
The truth and profit behind your service.
I’m in Las Vegas, where nine of the ten largest hotels in the world reside. Each hotel competes against the other for huge contracts. Business meetings. Conventions. Super Bowl. New Year’s Eve. High rollers.
Sometimes you have to make a decision that hurts and helps.
Sometimes you have to make a decision that hurts and helps. I gave a discount.
“I want to think about it.” “I want to think it over.” Crap!
#984"I want to think about it." "I want to think it over." Crap! You go through your ENTIRE one-hour, amazing sales presentation. You nailed it. The prospect seemed to be in agreement, even excited at times. He or she has all the logical and emotional reasons to buy, but at the end of your pitch says, "Sounds great. I need ...