#980Business cards may be on the way out. How are you connecting?
Are you in the Social Media world? Or standing on the sidelines waiting?
#981Are you in the Social Media world? Or standing on the sidelines waiting? Social media has changed the world. Let me clarify that statement. Social media has changed YOUR world. Whatever you're doing online, whether it's tweeting, LinkedIning, Facebooking, or YouTubing, Social Media has changed your way of communicating one-on-one, one-on-customer base, and one-to-the-world. Facebook is the easiest phenomenon to ...
Mission or promise? Is it a statement or words of hot air?
#1006Mission or promise? Is it a statement or words of hot air? Can you recite your mission statement?
The Last Show. Did you watch it, or are you on it?
Not long ago the last night of Larry King Live aired. I don’t watch a lot of television, but I was compelled to see what his last night would look like. He’s interviewed thousands of people, every notable person in the world, and I’m was sure it would be interesting, if not nostalgic.
What are you really “negotiating” and why?
973What are you really "negotiating" and why? "Jeffrey, teach me about negotiations!" Why?"Well, because my prospects always want to negotiate the deal."No, they want to negotiate your price."Well, yes." REALITY: People that want to negotiate your price are in reality negotiating your profit. Any time the word "negotiate" appears in a sales situation, it means both your price AND your ...
Salespeople have questions. Jeffrey has answers.
#1002Salespeople have questions. Jeffrey has answers. I get a ton of emails from people seeking insight or asking me to solve sales dilemmas. Here are a few that may relate to your job, your life, and most important, your sales thought process right now:
I never beat my dad in a foot race.
Inever beat my dad in a foot race. (NOTE FROM JEFFREY):In celebration of our recent Father's Day, I am reprinting the column I wrote 12 years agowhen my father passed away. If your father has passed away, please take the dayto remember happy stories and great deeds. If you are lucky, and your father isstill alive, be with him to ...