Every time you enter a room, you make a statement before you say a word. A fashion statement. What kind of statement are you making?
If you think you’re a Professional Salesperson, could you prove it to a judge?
Ask anyone in sales if they consider themselves a professional, and the response is an immediate YES. But I challenge you… if you were in court, in front of a judge, could you produce the evidence to prove you’re a professional salesperson?
Brian Tracy will lead you to more time, and more success.
Gold. Everyone wants more of it. So, if I could lead you to a resource that was more valuable than gold, would you be interested? (A closing question if there ever was one.)
The boss wants a conference, and it’s not good.
You’re Fired! Two of the worst words in the world. (The only thing worse than that is your doorbell ringing and someone saying, “I’m from the IRS and I’m here to help you.”)
A Sales proposal – getting the prospect to say I do!
Editors note: this is the second of a two part series.
21st Century Sales Leadership – Will it be you or your rivals?
Here is part II of emerging trends and philosophies that will drive sales into the 21st century. Board your starship, adjust your communication devices and set your phasers on sell.