Understanding THANKS so you can say it in a better way
Well, it’s that time of the year again. Gobble gobble. Everyone will eat more food and more leftovers than last year. Families will gather and (some thankfully) depart.
Set the hook, get the click, capture the email address, and bank the money.
I got an unsolicited email this morning that gave me no choice but to read it. My interest had to do with the subject line, the headline, the design of the content, and the copy.
Head vs. Heart vs. Logic vs. Emotion. Where’s the sale?
Sales are made emotionally, and justified logically.
A new perspective on winning… and losing.
A new perspective on winning and losing. Simon has autism. Simon loves to win. Actually Simon needs to win, and thrives on coming in first. Simon also HATES to lose, and some of his autistic symptoms manifest themselves when he can’t claim, “I WON!” or even, “I DID IT!”
Take algebra? Why? I’ll never use it in real life!
Takealgebra? Why? I’ll never use it in real life!
What should I tweet, what should I post, how should I link?
Whatshould I tweet, what should I post, how should I link? Most people don’t know what to say on, what to do on, orwhat to do with social media. And it’s a club with more than 700 millionmembers.