Well, it’s another year. If you were reading last week, you’ve already dissected your last year by figuring out what you did and what you didn’t do. This week I’d like to take it deeper. Project into the future. Here’s the question. Who are you trying to become? Here’s another question. What are you trying to achieve? These are questions …
Driving for success? Jim Rohn is the fuel.
Driving for success? Jim Rohn is the fuel. Authors note: The great Jim Rohn passed away last week. Millions of people had the honor of watching him in a live presentation. I was fortunate to have been one of them. Tens of millions more own, or have listened to, his recordings and have read his books. I am fortunate to …
Out of touch or out of their mind? Maybe both!
Out of touch or out of their mind? Maybe both! In a recent survey conducted by a BIG benefits management company (a management and human resource consulting firm), they asked 365 CEOs and sales management executives, “What are the three key factors that separate high performing sales professionals from moderate to low performing sales professionals?”
Don’t just thank. Remember the lessons and stories.
Don’t just thank. Remember the lessons and stories. It’s likely you will be with family over the holidays.
Music soothes the soul, lifts the spirit, and fills the wallet.
Music soothes the soul, lifts the spirit, and fills the wallet. My partner Jessica and I have spent the last 24 months attending as many musical concerts and events as time will allow.
Salespeople have questions. Jeffrey has answers.
Salespeople have questions. Jeffrey has answers. I get a ton of emails asking to solve sales dilemmas. Here are a few that may relate to your job, your life, and most important, your sales thought process right now: