Part two of four.
29.5 Biggest Mistakes Salespeople Make (and How to Cure Them) – Part 1
Not making enough sales? Want to know why? Easy, you’re making mistakes, big mistakes. The problem is that salespeople and entrepreneurs don’t want to know (much less admit) what they are. Here’s the list with a few caveats…
Running is Like Selling. A Race to the Finish.
Editor’s note: This is a Gitomer throwback article but the message is still relevant today. I just ran my first race. An 8K (five miles for us anti-metric devotees) road race. I’ve been in sales for 25 years. I’ve been running for six months.
Price – the most perplexing issue of sales.
I wish I had a dollar for every salesperson who told me the biggest objection he or she gets is “price.”
Is Your Maintenance Staff Better Managed than your Sales Staff?
If your company’s maintenance person bought $500 of supplies to repair a specific problem, you would pay the bill with little question.
Watson, come here. I need you to help me make a sale.
Take away the telephone and you’d have a tough time doing business. Is this sales tool so vital that you take it for granted? Do you assume that just because it’s there, that you know how to use it? Bad assumption.
Personal Information Leads to a Relationship and Lots of Sales.
To establish the ultimate long term relationship, to be memorable in the actions and service you perform, you need personal information about your prospect or customer. Information that provides insight. (And, oh yes, lots of sales.)