Here is part II of emerging trends and philosophies that will drive sales into the 21st century. Board your starship, adjust your communication devices and set your phasers on sell.
The Strategy for 21st Century Sales Greatness
This is a Gitomer throwback article but the message is still relevant today. Our world is driven by the sale. Everyone is seeking a competitive edge in order to make more sales (either to catch up, stay ahead or just survive).
It’s a physically demanding game. Are you fit to sell?
What does physical fitness have to do with sales success? Everything.
It’s that time of year: “Call me back after the holidays.”
“Call me after the holidays” is the second most-heard objection in sales. (First being, “Your price is too high.” Third being, “I have to think about it.”). It comes up year after year and salespeople get frustrated year after year, unnecessarily.
Take the worry out of selling! Release it and smile.
Worried about the lack of sales? If you knew that worry blocks creative thought, and prevents sales, why would you do it?