The formula for successful customer service has been discovered; so has the formula for reducing the risk of heart attack. They have the same problem — Only one in twenty who know the formula will do anything about it. Knowing and doing are two different worlds. Employees dedicated to gaining excellence in the individual elements that make service — memorable …
All Our Representatives Are Busy Now. Get in Line.
Lousy service. We all get it, and get mad. The real question is are you giving it? “Of course not,” you say. “Not our company, we give great service.” My answer is two words “wanna bet?” Making customer service “real” is the challenge of this decade. Corporate America spends billions of dollars to train employees in “customer service”. The problem …
Keeping Good Salespeople is Harder Than Finding Them.
Hiring a great salesperson is one thing. Keeping him or her on the team is another. Often the manager or boss is too busy scrutinizing and measuring the salesperson’s performance, and ignoring their own part of the partnership. The part necessary to support, build and keep a great team. What are you doing to keep your salespeople? Here’s a list …
I Wanna Be a Success! I Wanna Be a Success!
What does it take to become a sales success? Why do some people make it to the top? Or, more to reality, why do some people who have the top talent, wallow in mediocrity? Big questions. While the answers to questions of what it takes to “make it” are subjective, there are some common characteristics and principles that are attributed …
The Hot Air Factor. How Full of It Are You?
Sometimes salespeople get a bad rap. Sometimes they create it. Sales requires self-confidence but there’s a fine line between self-confidence and cockiness. A finer line between self-assured and arrogance. And the finest line between proud and egotistical. As a professional salesperson, there’s a career difference between self-talk = self-performance (the right way) and loose lips sink ships (the ultra wrong …
Help! I’m Slumping, and I Can’t Get a Sale!
In a slump? Not making enough (or any) sales. Feel like you’re unable to get out of the rut? Maybe you’re not in a big slump, but just can’t seem to hit the quota numbers. Let’s be kind and call it “sales underachievement.” Don’t panic. Don’t press too hard. Don’t get down on yourself. Don’t get mad. And above all, …
101.5 Rules for Selling Success – The last grasp
Fight the rules? Who doesn’t? But sales rules are different. You must embrace them and adapt them to your personality and style in order to achieve your sales goals. Welcome to part four (the final installment) of a challenge to your basic sales skills. These rules are designed to make you aware of knowledge gaps in your sales skills, and …