438#438Sometimes nonexistent answers are the best ones.
MORE True stories from Jeffrey’s e-mail files.
Dear Jeffrey, Just read your recent article re: Dillard’s poor customer service I think I have a better example
Dancing with the competition? Watch your step.
430What would your mother say about your sales practices?
A different gift list: ALL THE GOOD THINGS
#351 AUTHOR'S NOTE: This letter was sent to me by a friend. I am sending it to my friends. I hope you get a thought or two from it. I did. A different gift list: ALL THE GOOD THINGS He was in the first third grade class I taught at Saint Mary's School in Morris , Minnesota . All 34 ...
Website not making sales on the internet? Here’s why.
Just spent a few grand to "construct your website" and nothing's happening? Welcome to the club. The big club. The reality is, it's too early in the internet game to expect an avalanche of sales. Right now it's just snowing out -- maybe even just flurrying. History will prove that to be true. BUT the internet is the future of ...