Manager, put yourself to the test before you test your people.

Finding the Right Salesperson
Manager, put yourself to the test before you test your people. Are you the manager? Manager of whom? Manager of what? If you're the sales manager, it means you have three primary responsibilities: lead your people, teach your people, and coach your people. Your people want to be led, taught, and coached. No one wants to be managed. If you ...


“Why they buy” an answer every salesperson needs

Finding the Right Salesperson

Untitled#589More sales are made with friendship than salesmanship. Your mom said it best. As a child, when you were fighting or arguing with a sibling or friend, your mom would say, “Billy, you know better than that! Now you make friends with Johnny.” Your mother never told you to use the alternative of choice close or the sharp angle close …


Seven hiring mistakes. Who makes them? What are the costs?

Finding the Right Salesperson

Untitled#585Seven hiring mistakes. Who makes them? What’s the cost? How are salespeople hired? How were you hired? Did you take an assessment? Some kind of sales proficiency test? Were you hired for skill or attitude? Were you hired based on your test results or on “gut feeling?” Hiring is expensive. Very expensive.