Eliminating the Rats from your Selling Situations

Eliminating the Rats from your Selling Situations

“I like your stuff, but I want to shop around first.” Rats. They look around, get all your info, ask a few questions. You’re SURE they’re interested, but they won’t buy. In short, they’re going to visit the person you hate the most – your biggest competitor. Big rats. And they give you, “The Three Word Big Lie,” I’ll be …


Give yourself the gift of more sales: The gift of gab.

Finding the Right Salesperson
Give yourself the gift of more sales: The gift of gab. Making a presentation? In sales reality, you're trying to persuade someone to buy from you. You may call it a sales presentation, but in my opinion, that's the worst name for it because it sets the wrong thought process in your mind. You're not presenting. You're persuading. You're uncovering ...


All for one and one for all – except in sales.

Selling is an individual sport. Don’t take my word for it. Ask any seasoned salesperson. Oh sure, they’re willing to ask experts and take someone with them to help make a sale. But the bottom line is salespeople are not only loners, they’re not great team players, UNLESS they need someone else to help them make the sale.