Everyone has a reason why. Some have many. Why they have chosen their path; why they believe in what they do. I’m convinced that uncovering your personal “why” — which may be deeper than you think, and strengthening that belief system, will lead you to be the best salesperson and new client procurer, in the world.
Why am I in sales? Why do I believe in myself? Why do I believe in my company? Why do I want to improve my sales and marketing skills? Why do I believe in my ability to help my clients? What do I need to do to build a stronger belief system? In my company? ________________________ In myself? __________________________ 1999 All Rights Reserved – Don’t even think about reproducing this document without written permission from Jeffrey Gitomer and Buy Gitomer o www.gitomer.com o 704/333-1112 “BUILD BELIEF” faxback #104 |
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