When playing on the golf course, even the worst of players become authorities when it comes to someone else’s game. If your customer or prospect is slicing the ball or putting poorly, resist the opportunity to become Tiger Woods’ teacher. First of all, they are not Tiger Woods, and second, the worst thing you can give them is instruction that further confuses or frustrates their issue.
Just shut up.
The better approach is to tell them about your golf pro who is fabulous at putting or slicing. Talk about your own inadequacies and offer to set up a golf instructional luncheon at a driving range where you supply the lunch and the golf pro for a 30-minute or one hour lesson. Your customer or prospect will have a second opportunity to see how wonderful you are and build a relationship with you.
Chip shot: Don’t teach. Find a teacher so that you can both learn to become better at golf and business partners.
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