Mackay Maxims
Words to build a network — and a life by…
Mackay Maxim — People aren’t strangers if you’ve already met them. The trick is to meet them Before you need their help.
Mackay Maxim — If everyone in your network is the same as you, it’s not a network, it’s an anthill.
Mackay Maxim — In networking, you’re only as good as what you give away.
Mackay Maxim — Cream doesn’t rise to the top, it works its way up.
Mackay Maxim — 2am is a lousy time to try to make new friends.
Mackay Maxim — Your network is the best, most empathic, and most credible reflection of your success and your talents.
Mackay Maxim — If you network hard for thirty-five years and build pivotal contacts in strategic areas of business, you can become an overnight success.
Mackay Maxim — Most people think they can get by on charm alone. I wouldn’t advise it.
Mackay Maxim –Networking is not a numbers game. The idea is not to se how many people you can meet. The idea is to compile a list of people you can count on.
Mackay Maxim — The wise person isn’t the one who makes the fewest mistakes. It’s the one who learns the most from them.
Mackay Maxim — When God closes a door, somewhere God always opens a window.
Mackay Maxim — You can’t always be an expert. You can’t always know an expert. But you can always hire an expert.
Mackay Maxim — Your best network will develop from what you do best.
Mackay Maxim — Prepare to win — Then prepare to dazzle.
Reprinted from…
Dig Your Well Before You’re Thirsty
The Only Networking Book You’ll Ever Need
Harvey Mackay
published by Doubleday and available at bookstores everywhere