How often are you in front of your customers or prospects? Answer: Not as often as you should be.
It takes 7-10 impressions to get a sale and begin to build a relationship. You can get there quicker if you use the mail. Not e-mail regular old put-a-stamp-on-it mail mail. If you can’t be there in person, send a letter.
An effective communication by mail can solidify a deal. Do it once a month and the number of new orders, volume of repeat business and percentage of customers remaining loyal will drastically increase.
Sometimes the writing is already done for you. Cut out or photocopy an article about something that pertains to your customers business, or something you know he’s interested in. Put a post-it note on the article saying “Saw this, thought it might be of interest to you,” and sign your first name. It will be remembered. The mail is warm and personal especially when you hand write the message.
Here are 12.5 valuable mail-ways to get in front of your customers and prospects.
1. Thank you note for an order.
2. Thank you note for a referral.
3. Thank you note for continued (and valued) business.
4. Short note about a positive meeting or phone call.
5. Article from a magazine or newspaper about his business.
6. Something about his competition.
7. A joke, cartoon, or something funny.
8. Announcement of a new product with a deal “just for them.”
9. Special sale or offer.
10. A newsletter (from your company).
11. A hot lead.
12. Notice of a meeting or seminar that might be of benefit to him.
12.5 Use cool stamps.
None of the above costs more than 50 cents including paper and postage. What a value! You get a sales call, more orders, build goodwill, build loyalty, build a long term relationship, and make the customer or prospect feel great. All for a half-a-buck.
Have trouble putting it in words? Here are some guidelines about writing that will make your words more effective.
Get to the point in the first sentence.
Don’t make the prospect vomit when he reads your letter. Avoid heavy syrup, and words that end in “est” and “ly.” Half the adjectives, half the prepositional phrases, and most adverbs can be eliminated. Keep it short, semi-sweet, and easy to digest.
Don’t say “thank you for the opportunity,” instead try “we are proud to offer.”
Don’t use the letter as a sales pitch, just use it as a sales tool.
Don’t misspell a word. One man misspelled “potato” and he paid for it dearly, perhaps for a career. Fortunately he didn’t have a very important job.
If it’s on corporate letterhead, write in less than one page.
Don’t say “again, thank you” at the end. It’s not necessary to thank anyone again. Once is enough, twice is groveling.
Do use a P.S. to punch a point.
Do have a nice, non-beg, professional closing like: “Thank you for your time and consideration. I’ll call you Tuesday.”
Use personal handwritten notes whenever possible.
Sign your first name only (there are some – but rare – occasions when this is inappropriate. For example a letter of agreement where both people must sign, or a formal quote that might end up in a corporate office for approval.)
Stamp out competition. A 33 cent communication is an inexpensive sales tool that can help you win and keep a customer – especially if a competitor is calling who does not.
FREE GitBit: Want to see a cover letter I wrote that won a proposal? A letter that is both creative and compelling. Go to register if you’re a first time user, and enter the words COVER LETTER in the GitBit box.
Jeffrey Gitomer, author of The Sales Bible, and Customer Satisfaction is Worthless, Customer Loyalty is Priceless. President of Charlotte-based Buy Gitomer, he gives seminars, runs annual sales meetings, and conducts training programs on selling and customer service. He can be reached at 704/333-1112 or e-mail to
2000 All Rights Reserved – Don’t even think about reproducing this document without written permission from Jeffrey H. Gitomer and Buy Gitomer 704/333-1112