Web Outline
- A front page with pizzazz and value
- Fast load — people have about a nano-second of patience
- Easy access to the rest of the site
- Immediate focus on what the customer gains by looking further
Places for visitors to click:
1. A history of your success. Who we are and where we’re going.
2. A feature on our customers. Who we serve and how they succeeded. A credibility showcase.
3. A stack of testimonials. How we serve others and how they feel about it.
4. What we offer — services/products & applications.
5. A place to order from us. Easy catalog listings and credit card payment.
6. A place to get service. An e-mail access to get something repaired.
7. A place to get information. How do I use — how do I fix. Service tips.
8. A place to get tips on use. Ideas and creative contributions that may value the visitor. Value to ME when I visit you.
9. A place to compare. How we stack up against the competition. A place to prove we’re different from, and better than the rest.
10. Hot Links to others you think will value the visitor. A chance for you to build business partners.
11. A place to get to know your people. Some kind of directory and bio on your people and their capabilities.
12. A place e-mail back to you. An easy way to connect and correspond with your visitor. A hot-line.
12.5 something to BUY.
There’s enough to get you going — AND…
ADD THIS TO YOUR MIX: Attention grabbers like a banner quote — a flash or java clip — a cartoon — voice — video. Make your site exciting.
CHANGE YOUR SITE AS OFTEN AS YOU CAN: Update info — have a “What’s New?” area that gets changed every week.
CAUTION! AVOID “ME-ME” DISEASE: Make the visitor feel value. Create the message in terms of him or her — not you.
PAY A WEBMASTER: Someone responsible for creating and building your www image. The investment today will allow you to do commerce tomorrow.
2001 All Rights Reserved – Don’t even think about reproducing this document without written permission from Jeffrey H. Gitomer and Buy Gitomer o 704/333-1112. www.gitomer.com