I Want a Consistent Sales Presentation – that Sells.

I Want a Consistent Sales Presentation – that Sells.

Written By Jeffrey Gitomer

KING OF SALES, The author of seventeen best-selling books including The Sales Bible, The Little Red Book of Selling, and The Little Gold Book of Yes! Attitude. His live coaching program, Sales Mastery, is available at gitomer.me.


Mark Krial’s product is people.

He sells and rents them. Technical people who help others fix or understand their technical and computer stuff better. His company, Vienna, VA based Cornell Technical Services, has provided thousands of people since its inception in 1991. His sales presentation is technical and detailed in nature because he is solving complex and intricate business and computer problems for Fortune 1,000 companies (hard to bluff those boys).

Lots of product knowledge, on top of sales skills, on top of a competitive market, on top of inexperienced salespeople, on top of non-sales types doing the selling, on top of the toughest, most sophisticated customers in the world. Tough sale.

After reading my weekly column in the Washington, DC Business Journal for two tears, he finally called and asked (begged) for help. “If I were sales Santa Claus and could make all your problems disappear, what would you like me to do?” I challenged.

“Revise my sales presentation and categorize it into three segments to meet my prospects needs, show me how to overcome all the sales objections we face. You know, objections about price, don’t think we need you, happy with present source and other assorted blocks that I hear all the time. Then show me how to close more sales, automate my sales force for better data collection and followup, collect my testimonials and put them in a progressive format for all to see, and train my people to make better, more consistent sales presentations.”

“Waiter, check please!” I quipped. “You want me to make their mortgage payments, too?” We laughed. (If you can make ’em laugh, you can make ’em buy.)

“Mark, there’s a one word answer to make all your sales dreams come true.” I teased. “Retirement?” he offered in desperation for my response. “No, but it will get you there faster.” I stalled. “WHAT?” he demanded.

“Multimedia” I said. “WHAT?” he said in a puzzled broken tone. “Multimedia technology will do everything you asked on one CD.”

“You’re kidding, right?” Mark challenged.

“Multimedia is a lot of things but it ain’t a joke and it ain’t cheap but it works. If you want a consistent sales presentation, the ability to have three different presentations in the same laptop, testimonials on video, objections overcome, sales closed, and a sales training program multimedia can do it all on one CD.

“Sign me up!” Shouted Mark almost in song.

“Not so fast,” I said. “The first thing you do when you decide to use multimedia as a sales tool and a sales training supplement is to make a blueprint. The plan to tell you exactly what you want inside and what you want it to do.”

“I have to plan? he pained.

“No you just have to know what results you expect from your sales team and work backwards to get to achievement.” I spoke softly as though it were easy almost done.

On the technical side I was joined by his partner Alan Siek. We began the “storyboard” process. It became evident as we got into it that there were more “needs” than we originally thought (what’s new).

We decided to make a day of planning to outline everything and then narrow it down to the reality of what would be initially included and a structured plan to add more month by month. Start with a strong core and expand as we see the reality of it’s use in realworld.. The reality of the sale taking place.

Multimedia or not, the reality of the sale in your market determines the way you eat. No sale no food. The difference between you and those rotten nogoodnicks you wish were dead (your competition) are the presentations made by your salespeople, combined with the perception of the prospect of your credibility and viability for his or her needs.

“The reason we want a multimedia presentation system,” said Krial. “is that I want the quality of my company and the capabilities we offer to prospects and customers in need, to be shown in a consistent and compelling manner, no matter what the capability of my salesperson is.”

“I know we are the best in the country. It’s not fair to my prospects that they not know that as well. With multimedia, I can take the variable of the salesperson and strengthen their ability to communicate in a way that leads to a solution that works (our slogan) AND A SALE.”

When Mark Krial and Alan Seik get done with their multimedia sales presentation tool, there’s one group of people I would not want to be their competition.

How’s your sales presentation doing?


FREE GitBit… want the blueprint a multimedia CD. Want a “table of contents” outline for a powerful multimedia CD. Just go to www.gitomer.com click Access GitBit, register and enter the words, MULTIMEDIA SELLS in the search box.