Personal information leads a relationship and lots of sales.

Personal information leads a relationship and lots of sales.

Written By Jeffrey Gitomer

KING OF SALES, The author of seventeen best-selling books including The Sales Bible, The Little Red Book of Selling, and The Little Gold Book of Yes! Attitude. His live coaching program, Sales Mastery, is available at



Personal information leads an relationship and lots of sales.

To establish the ultimate long term relationship, to be memorable in the service you perform, you need personal information about your prospect or customer. Information that provides insight. (And, oh yes, lots of sales.)

What do you know about what impacts your best customers and prospects? Ask any great salesperson their secret for success, and two things will be in their answer: A positive attitude and a computer full of personal information.

The famous “Mackay 66” brought attention to the importance of gathering personal information in the selling process. It’s a form that asks the answers to 66 personal and business questions. But a closer look at this strategy reveals that information is only good if it’s the right information. And that you use it to your advantage once you obtain it.

The difference between making a sale and building a relationship lies in your ability to get this information and what other information it leads to.

“What do I need to know,” you ask? Here are Gitomer’s 40.5 InfoBits that build a relationship. To start you must develop an information form or screen for your contact management program (InfoBytes) to gather the following data…


1. Favorite sports teams

2. Favorite participant sport

3. Type of car owned and liked most (may be different)

4. Type of pet

5. Hobbies (special interests that are done with passion)

6. Favorite magazine

7. Favorite movie

8. Last books read (both enjoyment and personal development)

9. Leisure activities (weekend things)

10. Last vacation where? why? Next vacation where? why?

11. Courses taking now personal development

12. Favorite Restaurant

13. Favorite Food

14. Last seminar attended

15. Office status symbols note and discuss awards or unique items.


16. Prime 1994 goal personal

17. Awards won

18. Hometown

19. Birthday

20. Present place of residence

21. Marital status (name of significant other)

22. Prejudices

23. Key views on important issues

24. Type of humor (if any)

25. How he or she got started in business

26. How he or she got started in their career

27. College(s) attended

28. Country Club member of

29. Other places lived

30. Other places worked

31. Belief or faith


32. Number of kids (in school? which one? studying what?)

33. Children’s achievements

34. Children’s activities


35. Prime 1994 goal business (biggest issues)

36. Biggest competitor

37. Trade publications read

38. Trade association involvement

39. Civic/community organization involvement

40. Previous personal experiences and dealings with your type of product

End Game

40.5 Hot Buttons The first 40 pieces will give you the longest list of hot buttons you’ve ever had.

This may seem like a lot of stuff to know about someone. You’re right. It is. How do you get all this information? You have to gather it subtly, slowly. A little at a time as the relationship grows. You can get this information from lots of places. Secretaries, brochures, annual reports, and employees of the company (especially other salespeople). Take notes constantly.

The more information you have, the better (and easier) it is to establish rapport, followup and have something to say, build the relationship, and gain enough comfort to make the sale.

If given a choice, people will buy from those they like and can relate to. If you have the information, and use it to be memorable, you have a decided advantage. Or you can decide “It’s too much work, I can make the sale without it.” This philosophy gives the advantage to someone else your competitor.

FREE GitBit… Want to learn the formula for using personal information to make a sale? A 10.5 step method for landing more sales than your company can handle. Just go to click FREE STUFF then click GitBit register and enter the secret word, “FORMULA.

Jeffrey Gitomer is the author of The Sales Bible, and Customer Satisfaction is Worthless, Customer Loyalty is Priceless. President of Charlottebased Buy Gitomer, he gives seminars, runs annual sales meetings, and conducts training programs on selling and customer service. He can be reached at 704/3331112 or email to

1999 All Rights Reserved Don’t even think about reproducing this document without written

permission from Jeffrey H. Gitomer and Buy Gitomer 704/3331112