Why do people get involved in Network Marketing?

Why do people get involved in Network Marketing?

Written By Jeffrey Gitomer

KING OF SALES, The author of seventeen best-selling books including The Sales Bible, The Little Red Book of Selling, and The Little Gold Book of Yes! Attitude. His live coaching program, Sales Mastery, is available at gitomer.me.




Why do people get involved in Network Marketing?


To gain freedom. Financial and personal freedom.

Freedom from work you don’t like.

Freedom from people or situations you don’t like or want to change.

Freedom from being told what to do.

Freedom to earn more money and create a better lifestyle.

Freedom to pursue and achieve your goals (not be part of someone else’s).

Freedom to make your dreams become a reality.

Those are some pretty strong reasons.

Network marketing, or multilevel marketing (MLM) as it was called in the 60’s and 70’s, has evolved over the past twenty years because it appears to be the least expensive, lowest risk, fastest path to achieving the American Dream. It is at the core of the exploding “homebased business” segment of the economy. Why?


The attraction of Network Marketing are five facts that can alter your life, and lifestyle forever…


Fact one… You’re in business for yourself. You’re the boss. You control your destiny.


Fact two… You are at the top of your own organization. And always will be.


Fact three… You get help from others above you because the more you (sell) earn, the more they earn.


Fact four… The “playing field” is level. Anyone can win. Everyone has the same program, and the same product. Your success is dependent on, and is up to you.

and (here’s the best part)…


Fact five… Your earnings potential is unlimited or should I say only limited by you!


Who does Network Marketing appeal to?


People who are dissatisfied with their present job or situation.

People who want more or better than they’ve got right now.


People who want the American Dream, but don’t know how (or haven’t made a plan) to achieve it.

People who are already successful and want more.


The good part about network marketing is it’s easy and inexpensive to get involved so it’s easy to get started.


The bad part about network marketing is it’s easy and inexpensive to get involved so it’s easy to quit.


Why do so many people get involved and so few succeed? Good question. It’s not the company. If the company is good it will make it with or without you. It’s not the products. The products are the end result of buying the message.

The secret to success in Network Marketing is you the messenger and your willingness to dedicate and focus on preparation. Your willingness to become a salesperson who believes in your own ability to succeed. Everyone wants success, but very few are willing to do what it takes to be successful.


Network marketing enthusiasts are pumped up when they sign up, but are not prepared when they get involved, and (worse) won’t discipline themselves to prepare and train to win. During a brief financial consultation, a mentor even suggested the best wallet to help them organize their earnings and expenses, yet they encounter a few early rejections, get told by their friends, relatives, and assorted other jealous people that they’re nuts, get discouraged, and quit.

Most quit too soon. Most quit before they have a chance to really get involved. They want to eat the cake, but are unwilling to grind the flour. If you embrace the wisdom “you only fail when you quit,” that accounts for 80% of the failures in network marketing they just give up.

I’ve been studying (and involved with) Network Marketing since 1972. I’ve seen lots of success and failure. Everyone wanting the American Dream few willing to do what it takes to get there.

The best way I’ve found to become what you dream about is so simple that most people overlook it. I’d be happy to share my findings all you have to do is ask (fax) me.

FREE GitBit… If you would like a list of the success steps that most people overlook steps that can lead you to network marketing success I’d love to send them to you. Just go to www.gitomer.com click FREE STUFF then click GitBit register and enter the secret words, “OVERLOOK”.

Jeffrey Gitomer is the author of The Sales Bible, and Customer Satisfaction is Worthless, Customer Loyalty is Priceless. President of Charlottebased Buy Gitomer, he gives seminars, runs annual sales meetings, and conducts training programs on selling and customer service. He can be reached at 704/3331112 or email to salesman@gitomer.com

1999 All Rights Reserved Don’t even think about reproducing this document without written

permission from Jeffrey H. Gitomer and Buy Gitomer 704/3331112